Centauri System

Artikel Metadaten
Centauri System
ID 0Qllvmr5v5
Kategorien Planetary Systems
Tags #centauri system
#human system
affiliation United Empire of Earth
discoveredIn 2365
jumpPointConnections * Nul * Elysium
numberOfPlanets 5
locations * Centauri I * Yar * Saisei * Centauri IV * Centauri V * Centauri belt alpha
locations Centauri I
locations Yar
locations Saisei
locations Centauri IV
locations Centauri V
locations Centauri belt alpha
URL https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/0Qllvmr5v5-centauri-system
Verwandte Artikel United Empire of Earth