Emperor T.uēng se Kr.ē

Artikel Metadaten
Emperor T.uēng se Kr.ē
ID VaZwmlmPQo
Kategorien Xi'an
Tags #t.uēng se kr.ē
#akari-kr.ē treaty
#third imperial age
#xi'an emperor
born 2530 / III.863
classification Xi'an
affiliation Xi'an Empire
occupation Emperor of the Xi'an Emprire (2643/III.951-present)
born SEY 2530 / III.838
occupation Emperor of the Xi'an Emprire (SEY 2643 / III.926-present)
URL https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/VaZwmlmPQo-emperor-kree
Verwandte Artikel Akari-Kr.ē Treaty
House Kr.ē