Fall of Caliban

Artikel Metadaten
Fall of Caliban
ID 0Gz5DNryvE
Kategorien History
Tags #fall of caliban
#vanduul clans
#vanduul invasions
#united empire of earth
#lost squad
#squadron 88
type Armed military engagement
type Vanduul invasion
dateS 7-8 July 2884
location Caliban system
participants United Empire of Earth, Vanduul
results Vanduul victory; Caliban system ceded by United Empire of Earth
type Battle
participants United Empire of Earth
participants Vanduul
dateS 7-8 July 2884 SEY
URL https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/0Gz5DNryvE-fall-of-caliban
Verwandte Artikel Squadron 88 (The Lost Squad)
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