
CIG ID Name Code Raumschiffe Fahrzeuge
1 Roberts Space Industries RSI 23 4
6 Origin Jumpworks ORIG 17 2
3 Anvil Aerospace ANVL 28 5
4 MISC MISC 19 0
5 Drake Interplanetary DRAK 22 0
12 Aegis Dynamics AEGS 29 0
13 Vanduul VNCL 1 0
19 Kruger Intergalactic KRIG 3 0
22 Consolidated Outland CNOU 8 1
81 Aopoa XNAA 4 0
21 Banu BANU 2 0
68 Crusader Industries CRUS 10 0
69 Esperia ESPR 5 0
73 Argo Astronautics ARGO 8 0
83 Tumbril TMBL 0 12
84 Greycat Industrial GCAT 2 0
17 Greycat Industrial GRIN 0 3
93 Gatac Manufacture GAMA 2 0
96 Mirai MRAI 6 2

Hersteller In-Game

Name Code Raumschiffe Fahrzeuge Items
987 987 0 0 45
Ace Astrogation ACAS 0 0 62
ACOM ACOM 0 0 12
Aegis Dynamics AEGS 29 0 524
Alejo Brothers ALB 0 0 84
Amon & Reese Co. AMRS 0 0 21
Anvil Aerospace ANVL 27 5 180
Aopoa XNAA 2 2 47
Apocalypse Arms APAR 0 0 23
ArcCorp ARCC 0 0 9
Argo Astronautics ARGO 8 0 66
ArmaMod ARMA 0 0 12
Ascension Astro ASAS 0 0 8
Banu BANU 1 0 27
Basilisk BASL 0 0 13
Behring Applied Technology BEHR 0 0 170
Broad & Rabiee BRRA 0 0 0
Caldera CLDA 0 0 32
Casaba Outlet MITE 0 0 8
CBA CBA 0 0 85
CBD CBD 0 0 61
CC's Conversions CCC 0 0 29
City Lights CTL 0 0 21
Clark Defense Systems CDS 0 0 441
Consolidated Outland CNOU 7 1 78
Consumable GENF 0 0 256
Crusader Industries CRUS 12 0 158
Curelife CUR 0 0 15
Denim Manufacturing Company DMC 0 0 86
Derion DRN 0 0 87
Doomsday DOOM 0 0 63
Drake Interplanetary DRAK 16 4 233
Dyna Lei DYL 0 0 8
Escar Limited ELD 0 0 92
Esperia ESPR 5 0 61
Evalight EVL 0 0 2
Fiore FIO 0 0 164
Flashfire Systems FFSY 0 0 11
Gallenson Tactical Systems GATS 0 0 49
Gatac Manufacture GAMA 1 0 3
Gemini GMNI 0 0 35
Gorgon Defender Industries GODI 0 0 16
Greycat Industrial GRIN 0 4 105
GSB GSB 0 0 52
Gyson Inc. GYS 0 0 23
Habidash HDH 0 0 15
Hardin Tactical HDTC 0 0 6
Hawksworth's HWK 0 0 6
Hedeby Gunworks HDGW 0 0 4
Hurston Dynamics HRST 0 0 19
J-Span JSPN 0 0 12
Joker Engineering JOKR 0 0 36
Juno Starwerk JUST 0 0 35
Kastak Arms KSAR 0 0 321
Klaus & Werner KLWE 0 0 71
KnightBridge Arms KBAR 0 0 3
Kroneg KRON 0 0 15
Kruger Intergalatic KRI 3 0 15
Lightning Power Ltd. LPLT 0 0 21
Lynx Moonrise Livery 0 0 1
Lynx Moonshadow Livery 0 0 1
Lynx Nebula Livery 0 0 1
microTech MITE 0 0 21
Mirai MRAI 6 2 20
Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern MISC 14 0 178
MYM MYM 0 0 30
Nav-E7 Gadgets NAVE 0 0 1
Navy Surplus NVS 0 0 21
NorthStar NRS 0 0 43
Nova Pyrotechnica NOVP 0 0 3
NV-TAC NVTC 0 0 14
Octagon OCT 0 0 50
OpalSky OPS 0 0 98
Origin Jumpworks ORIG 14 3 212
PH Associated Science and Development ASAD 0 0 3
Quirinus Tech QRT 0 0 28
R6 Pro R6P 0 0 59
RAFT Anchor Livery 0 0 2
Rambler RMB 0 0 3
RAMP Corporation RACO 0 0 6
Revel & York REYO 0 0 0
Roberts Space Industries RSI 16 4 524
Roussimoff Rehabilitation Systems RRS 0 0 87
Sakura Sun SASU 0 0 41
SCU SCU 0 0 194
Seal Corporation SECO 0 0 10
Self-Land SELA 0 0 0
Shubin Interstellar SHIN 0 0 21
Spar Van Miles SPV 0 0 8
Syang Fabrication SYFB 0 0 8
Takuetsu TKSU 0 0 0
Talon TALN 0 0 12
Tarsus TARS 0 0 9
Tehachapi THP 0 0 20
Thermyte Concern THCN 0 0 17
Tumbril Land Systems TMBL 3 6 40
Tyler Design & Tech TYDT 0 0 12
UEE Navy NVY 0 0 43
UltiFlex UTFL 0 0 4
United Empire of Earth UEE 0 0 0
Universal Body Armor UBA 0 0 3
Unknown NONE 0 0 17
Unknown Manufacturer UNKN 0 1 5786
Upsiders UPS 0 0 6
Vanduul VNC 1 0 45
Vaporwear VPW 0 0 12
VFG Industrial VFGI 0 0 0
Virgil VGL 0 0 115
Wei-Tek WETK 0 0 11
Wen/Cassel Propulsion WCPR 0 0 11
Yorm YORM 0 0 6