Comm-Link Bilder

Name: JumpPoint_02-07-Mustang-WIP_Page_04.jpg

Name: Portrait-109.jpg

Name: Dantracybanner.png


Name: Sabre-7.jpg

Name: source.jpg

Beschreibung: Picture of a ship

Name: Sidewall2.jpg

Name: Avenger.png

Name: Weapons_3_8_006.jpg

Name: Shader_ball.jpg

Beschreibung: So as you can see just by applying solid values I’m already very far along. For this paint I’m going for a pearl sheen and a nice light blue color. The next phase in the process is adding in base texture maps. These are broad strokes and are meant to break up the surface. I typically use textures as overlays and let the engine drive the actual color and glossiness. This way we can reuse material later on.

Name: Dragging88.jpg

Name: JumpPoint_02-11_Nov_14-WIP_Page_01.jpg

Name: 111.jpg

Name: DE_Studio_Update_Level_Design_Levski_01.jpg

Name: Pridemonth258.png

Name: JumpPoint_03-11_Nov-15_BTS4.jpg

Name: Tanaka_Ray.png

Name: Pilotschair_rear_a_hobbins.jpg

Name: NewHornet_screen21.jpg

Name: JumpPoint_04-08_Aug-16_WIP24.jpg

Name: Shader_ball3.jpg

Beschreibung: This detail pass adds some brush stroke patterns and little air bubbles to make the surface more believable. Now since this a painted metal its time bring in the metal with the paint. In the interest of time I will skip the process for creating the metal and just show how I’m blending them.

Name: Gadget_personal_medkit_wip_04.jpg

Name: JumpPoint_03-08_Aug-15_WIP23.jpg

Name: MedMarineRenders.jpg

Name: source.jpg

Name: Relay_sc.png

Name: AopoaNox-3.jpeg

Name: Area-Race3.jpg

Name: Squadron-42-Star-Citizen-Screenshot-20200305-21055989.png

Name: EnginesHULLC02.jpg

Name: Portrait-Pencil-Drawing.jpg

Name: 01-TernRoughSketch_001.jpg

Name: PlanetShot_001.jpg

Name: Scout_ship_Variation_03.jpg

Name: 31-Starfarer_HR_a.jpg

Name: StarKitty_Black_Helmet.jpg

Name: Ursa_Ita-Min.jpg

Name: Hull_C_Blueprint.jpg

Name: Hull_E_Blueprint.jpg

Name: JumpPoint_03-09_Sep-15_Persistence-Commences_Page_07.jpg

Name: 20170217a.jpg

Name: JumpPoint_03-02-Feb_15_The-ArcCorp-Tm-Issue_Page_17.jpg

Name: 06_CARGO_Doors.jpg

Name: 08_CARGO_JACK_Port.jpg

Name: source.jpg

Name: StarCitizenDev-2018-02-13-17-51-48-55.jpg

Name: JumpPoint_02-07-Mustang-WIP_Page_03.jpg

Name: Bones_wip_01.jpg

Name: Cutlass_Steel_TOP_BANNER_WIP05.jpg

Beschreibung: c-feature